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The Frogmen
The twin set of taillights quickly gained speed on the gravel road, disappearing in a cloud of dust and leaving the darkness to quickly...
Greg Staggs
May 6, 2022
Still Learning ...
Rookie mistake by a veteran... nothing else to say, except sometimes you just need one additional experience to help "cement" your...
Greg Staggs
May 6, 2022
Our Catfish Journey
"I can't believe you guys haven't quit yet!” I looked up at my oldest son who was standing in the doorway leading to our bedroom. I was...
Greg Staggs
May 6, 2022
I'm A Trapper
I’m a trapper. Let me clarify: I’m a HARD-CORE trapper. For many, that elicits a wide range of emotions right off the bat. There isn’t...
Greg Staggs
May 6, 2022
I Kill
“What’d that turkey ever do to you?” It wasn’t an unexpected question really, I guess… I mean, I knew her parents and they weren’t...
Greg Staggs
May 6, 2022
Saddle Hunting Isn't The Goal...
If you’re on social media as much as I am, you inevitably notice new trends. One of my favorites that started popping up in my feed this...
Greg Staggs
May 6, 2022
Trapping And Trail Cameras: Blending History and Innovation
“Trappers are the best outdoorsmen there are,” the game warden replied when I told him I trapped. It was a routine license check while...
Greg Staggs
May 6, 2022
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